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  • Meet Our Newest Associate Attorney, Destiny Delly

Meet Our Newest Associate Attorney, Destiny Delly

We decided to ask our newest attorney, Destiny Delly,  some question.  Enjoy!

1. Briefly describe why you became an attorney?
I became an attorney essentially to help those who are vulnerable or those who cannot fight for themselves. To obtain justice where it is due.

2. What made you go want to join Khamo Law?

Koro offered an amazing work environment and team. Khamo law is supportive and is here to help me grow as an attorney. I feel like family at Khamo Law, which is hard to find at other law firms. I also like that I can practice a variety of law here.

3. What are some of your greatest challenges and accomplishments?
My greatest challenge was moving to another state all by myself during law school and adjusting to a new life, city and academia. My biggest accomplishment is that I have always remained true to myself and God.

4. What are your hobbies or current side projects that you have going on?
I currently am the leader of the committee through the Office of Life, Chaldean Diocese that helps a minority group of Chaldean women in crisis pregnancies through mentoring, whether they want to keep their babies or give them up for adoptions.

5. What is the best way for people to connect with you?
People can connect with me through email, phone or social media.