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Most Dangerous Intersections in Sterling Heights, Michigan

Auto accidents can be life-altering and can happen to anyone, anywhere. Sterling Heights is no exception. Like any other city, it also has its share of dangerous intersections that can lead to fatal accidents. In this blog, we will discuss the top dangerous intersections in Sterling Heights, Michigan. We hope that this information will help drivers stay vigilant and avoid accidents.

Metropolitan Parkway and Mound Road Intersection

This particular intersection is notorious for the high number of accidents that occur here. This intersection is rated as one of the most dangerous in the city, with a high percentage of rear-end collisions. Drivers need to be extra cautious and ensure they are maintaining safe distances from other vehicles.

Van Dyke and 16 Mile Road Intersection

The intersection of Van Dyke and 16 Mile Road is another accident-prone area. The heavy traffic and multiple lanes can make it difficult for drivers to navigate. Drivers are advised to maintain safe speeds and follow the posted speed limits to avoid accidents.

Hall Rd and Schoenherr Road Intersection

The intersection of Hall Rd and Schoenherr Road and Metropolitan Parkway is also known to produce many accidents. This area is particularly risky due to the speeding traffic and junction positioning. Drivers need to be cautious and keep a safe distance from other vehicles when turning.

Van Dyke Road and 18 1/2 Mile Road Intersection

Van Dyke Road and 18 1/2 Mile Road is a high-risk intersection that has seen many accidents in the past. Drivers need to pay extra attention and be fully alert when crossing through this intersection.


Knowing the top dangerous intersections in Sterling Heights, Michigan, can not only help you avoid accidents but also keep you and others safe on the road. As a leading law firm serving Sterling Heights, we have seen our fair share of auto accidents. We hope this blog has helped you understand the importance of being alert while driving and taking extra caution when passing through these intersections. If you have been involved in an auto accident in Sterling Heights, our firm is here to help. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your legal options.